Picnic Season is Here!
A Comprehensive Guide to Birthstones (by Month & Zodiac) – Part 2 of 3: The Magic of Gemstones

Get ready, ladies (and men)! It's time for Part 2 of our ultimate birthstone and zodiac gemstone guide. If you missed Part 1, don't worry, just click here. Let's dive into the fascinating history and fun traditions behind birthstones, shall we?

As promised for Part 2, I’ll touch on the mystery, the mystical, and the magic of gemstones linked to each month.

Be sure to return for Part 3 – that’s when I’ll offer tips for choosing birthstone and zodiac jewelry for yourself and others.

It's time to discover your birthstone magic! Check out the table below to find your birth date (or your gift recipient's). Then, read about the captivating stories and descriptions of each gemstone. Trust your gut, go with what feels right, but most importantly, don't forget the Amorcito mantra – let's have some fun!

    Amorcito’s Gemstone Guide by Month & Zodiac


Birth Month
Gemstones to Consider



 (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

January 1 - 19

Rose Quartz; Blue Topaz; Blue Opal



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

January 20 - 31

Rose Quartz; Amethyst



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

February 1 - 18

Amethyst; Rose Quartz



(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

February 19 - 29

Amethyst; Iolite; Jadeite



(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

March 1 - 20

Iolite; Jadeite; Amethyst



(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

March 21 - 31

Iolite; Jadeite; Black Chalcedony



(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

April 1 - 19

Black Chalcedony; Iolite; Jadeite



(Apr 20 – May 20)

April 20 - 30

Black Chalcedony; Green Chalcedony



(Apr 20 – May 20)

May 1 - 20

Green Chalcedony; Black Chalcedony



(May 21 – Jun 20)

May 21 - 31

Green Chalcedony; Moonstone



(May 21 – Jun 20)

June 1 - 20

Moonstone; Green Chalcedony



(June 21 – July 22)

June 21 - 30

Moonstone; Labradorite



(June 21 – July 22)

July 1 - 22

Labradorite; Moonstone



(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

July 23 - 31

Labradorite; Peridot



(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

August 1 - 22

Peridot; Labradorite



(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

August 23 - 31

Peridot; Blue Chalcedony; Blue Tourmaline



(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

September 1 - 22

Blue Chalcedony; Blue Tourmaline; Peridot



(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

September 23 - 30

Blue Chalcedony; Blue Tourmaline; Pink Tourmaline; Pink Chalcedony; Opal



(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

October 1 - 22

Pink Tourmaline; Pink Chalcedony; Opal; Blue Chalcedony; Blue Tourmaline



(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

October 23 - 31

Pink Tourmaline; Pink Chalcedony; Opal; Citrine



(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

November 1 - 21

Citrine; Pink Tourmaline; Pink Chalcedony; Opal



(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

November 22 - 30

Citrine; Blue Topaz; Blue Opal



(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

December 1 - 21

Blue Topaz; Blue Opal; Citrine



(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

December 22 - 31

Blue Topaz; Blue Opal; Rose Quartz


MONTH  February

Because of its color, early Greek legends associated amethyst with the god of wine and pleasure, Dionysus (or known as Bacchus by the Romans) and claimed it prevented intoxication. Other legends said it helped the wearer be clear-headed and quick witted – which sounds similar to what astrologer Camillo Leonardi suggested - that amethyst quickens intelligence and removes evil thoughts. Other beliefs about amethyst include –

  • It offers spiritual, emotional, and healing benefits.
  • It promotes healthy sleep and reduces migraines.
  • It clears anxiety and promotes a calmer mind.
Did you know?

Listen up, lovebirds! Did you know that the patron saint of romance, St. Valentine, wore an amethyst ring featuring the image of Cupid? Talk about love on another level! 

ZODIAC: Aquarius

Aquarians are intelligent, esoteric, social, and independent individuals. They are eager to gain knowledge on particular subjects and exploring new concepts. Although once they’ve established their core beliefs, they can become close-minded and unwavering. Aquarians thrive in large gatherings, but take pride in standing out and being different. So for the Aquarian who needs to calm down and get in touch with their spiritual side, the Amethyst gem is a good match.

ZODIAC: Pisces

Pisceans are empathetic, romantic, and intuitive souls. Prone to fantasy, they seek transformative and creative experiences. Due to their compassionate nature, they are amazing friends to have and often put the needs of others over their own. They are flexible in switching behavior depending on who they’re around. Since Pisces are known for their spiritual nature, Amethyst is the perfect birthstone.

Purple Skies Open Cuff Gemstone Bracelet


MONTH – April

Chalcedony, a form of quartz with very small crystals, comes in multiple colors. Beliefs about the chalcedony family of gemstones include –

  • Aligns the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Builds strength and confidence.
  • Promotes spiritual awareness.
  • Represents passion, power, and determination.
  • It aids emotional balance – alleviating hostility, self-doubt, negative thoughts and emotions (and also minimizes nightmares).
  • It promotes feelings of kindness, generosity, empathy, and understanding.

Each color emphasizes some of the properties and benefits. The black color highlights the strength, power, passion, and determination aspects.

Did you know?

Onyx is a form of chalcedony (which is microcrystalline quartz). So, some people call black chalcedony - black onyx.


Aries are known to be very daring, competitive, and fiery individuals. They constantly seek out adventures and have an enthusiasm of life with little to no fear. They can be quick to get angry, but then soon forget why they were angry in the first place. Due to their impatient nature, Aries love to take charge and work hard not to waste time. They are blunt with their words, and are always ready to prove themselves and their strength. Because black chalcedony is associated with strength, it’s helpful for Aries who need to be strong for others.

ZODIAC: Taurus

Loyal, tenacious, and sensual, Tauruses seek routine and stability above all. They are romantic individuals who desire solid, long-term relationships. Tauruses tend to be materialistic and enjoy the finer things in life. Their perseverance and practical mindset often leads to success, but they are also known to be very stubborn. Despite their resistance to change, Tauruses are very dependable and make great friends. The kind and empathetic properties of black chalcedony align with the warmness of a Taurus.

Good Trip Ring


MONTH September

Chalcedony, a form of quartz with very small crystals, comes in multiple colors. Beliefs about the chalcedony family of gemstones include –

  • Aligns the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Builds strength and confidence.
  • Promotes spiritual awareness.
  • Represents passion, power, and determination.
  • It aids emotional balance – alleviating hostility, self-doubt, negative thoughts and emotions (and also minimizes nightmares).
  • It promotes feelings of kindness, generosity, empathy, and understanding.

Each color may emphasize some of the properties and benefits. The blue color is recognized for emotional healing (e.g., issues with anger, bad temper, fear, panic, or anxiety) and creativity aspects.

Did you know?

The blue chalcedony gemstone takes diversity to the next level. The blue colors vary by depth of color or color tone, and the color varieties are typically identified by location names (e.g., Mohave blue – California, Mt. Airy blue – Nevada, African blue – Namibia, Holly blue - Oregon).


Virgos are known for their hardworking, practical, and perfectionistic nature. Highly intelligent, they are great problem-solvers and are natural-born organizers. Virgos are very analytical individuals – full of ideas and constantly thinking of ways to be more productive. They can become very critical if their plans don’t unfold in the way that they hoped, so blue chalcedony is good match to promote more emotional balance.


Focused, charming, and social, Libras strive for fairness and balance in life. They are great communicators, which makes them equally great negotiators. Libras are adept at switching their personalities depending on the people they’re surrounded by. However, they are also known to be indecisive and tend to avoid conflict. Because of their loving and understanding nature, blue chalcedony is a fitting gem option! 

Eclipse Huggie Earrings


MONTH December

Writers over the years have been inspired to compare the “play of color” in other types of opal to fireworks, galaxies, and volcanoes. Some beliefs about opal in general include –

  • It provides the gift of prophecy.
  • It protects the wearer from disease.
  • It’s a symbol of purity, hope, and truth.
  • It embodies the virtues and powers of all colored stones

One belief about the blue colored opal (compared to other types of opal) is it’s potent in the area of decreasing the effect of stress on the mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, it helps a person maintain balance in their life.

Did you know?

Some people refer to blue opal as Peruvian opal because it was found in Peru – it doesn’t have that “play of color” characteristic that other types of opal have.

ZODIAC: Sagittarius

Sagittarians are optimistic free souls. They are notorious for their spontaneous and adventurous personality. Always looking for ways to improve themselves and make more self-discoveries, they have a hunger for new relationships and experiences. They are unafraid of change, which makes them very adaptable. Sagittarians often choose principles over emotions  and constantly question who they are. So if you or a friend is struggling emotionally, wear some blue opal to help quiet anxious thoughts and find insight about how to move forward.

ZODIAC: Capricorn

Driven, pragmatic, and reserved, Capricorns seek to establish a life with a solid foundation. They are hardworking individuals who would rather face the facts than making decisions based on emotions. Capricorns value long-term relationships and are known to have a good sense of humor. They are responsible and motivated by duty, which makes their desire for a stable domestic life no surprise. Blue opal is a great choice for Capricorns wanting to sustain a more balanced life.

Third Eye Stud Earrings


MONTH December

Some believe the word topaz comes from the Sanskrit word meaning fire - “tapas.” Others trace it to the Greek word “topazos.” Here are a few more beliefs about blue topaz –

  • It gives the wearer strength – of the body and the mind.
  • It assures long life, beauty, intelligence/wisdom, self-realization.
  • It can dispel anger, combat negative energy, strengthen spirituality, and invite peace.
Did you know?

Most of the blue topaz seen today is the result of heating and irradiating colorless topaz.

ZODIAC: Sagittarius

Sagittarians are optimistic free souls. They are notorious for their spontaneous and adventurous personality. Always looking for ways to improve themselves and make more self-discoveries, they have a hunger for new relationships and experiences. They are unafraid of change, which makes them very adaptable. Sagittarians often choose principles over emotions  and constantly question who they are. Get blue topaz for the Sagittarian who could use help getting through their problems and complex situations.

ZODIAC: Capricorn

Driven, pragmatic, and reserved, Capricorns seek to establish a life with a solid foundation. They are hardworking individuals who would rather face the facts than making decisions based on emotions. Capricorns value long-term relationships and are known to have a good sense of humor. They are responsible and motivated by duty, which makes their desire for a stable domestic life no surprise. Blue topaz pairs extremely well with Capricorns seeking more knowledge and self-improvement.

Moonchild Double Stacked Multi Gemstone Ring


MONTH September

Tourmaline is a mineral motherlode. It’s a supergroup with multiple groups, subgroups, and over 30 different species – and the list keeps growing with new discoveries. They basically have the same structure, but different chemical formulas. There are numerous single-color gemstones and multi-color gemstones.

Ancient mystics believed the tourmaline family of gemstones had healing properties and could inspire artistic expression. Because it wasn’t recognized as a distinct mineral species until the 1800’s, the various colors were mistaken for other gemstones.

Different colors are thought to have their own healing properties. The blue color

  • Helps calm nerves.
  • Relieves feelings of anxiety.
  • Increases self-confidence.
  • Encourages tolerance for others without judgment.
Did you know?

When the blue color is caused by copper in blue tourmalines, they are also called Paraiba tourmalines (after the Brazilian state of Paraiba).


Virgos are known for their hardworking, practical, and perfectionistic nature. Highly intelligent, they are great problem-solvers and are natural-born organizers. Virgos are very analytical individuals – full of ideas and constantly thinking of ways to be more productive. They can become very critical if their plans don’t unfold in the way that they hoped. Blue tourmaline is great for Virgos who tend to be overly critical of themselves and beat up on themselves mentally.


Focused, charming, and social, Libras strive for fairness and balance in life. They are great communicators, which makes them equally great negotiators. Libras are adept at switching their personalities depending on the people they’re surrounded by. However, they are also known to be indecisive and tend to avoid conflict. So blue tourmaline would be effective in soothing a Libra’s anxiety in those types of situations.

Glace Ring


MONTH November

Citrine, believed to be derived from the French word for ‘lemon’ (citron), was popular for use in colorful Scottish jewelry from the Victorian era. Other beliefs about citrine are similar to the beliefs about topaz – because people thought citrine was topaz. Some thoughts include –

  • It gives the wearer strength – of the body and the mind.
  • It assures long life, beauty, intelligence/wisdom, self-realization.
  • It can dispel anger, combat negative energy, strengthen spirituality, and invite peace.
Did you know?

This beautiful colored variety of quartz was often confused with golden topaz in the past; and it’s an alternative to yellow sapphire. A lot of citrine is now formed by heating the purple/violet amethyst quartz.

ZODIAC: Scorpio

Complex, passionate, and intense, Scorpios are enchanting and unyielding souls. They are deeply emotional and crave intimacy, which can result in them wallowing in their feelings. Scorpios are notorious for their sensuality, secretiveness, and subtleness. They are known to be relentless and seek to dominate their relationships, situations, and aspirations. Citrine helps Scorpions choose and achieve goals – by supporting them with determination, confidence, and energy needed to make their dreams come true. If you or the Scorpio in your life needs a little push, even with all their intense energy – add citrine to the mix.

ZODIAC: Sagittarius

Sagittarians are optimistic free souls. They are notorious for their spontaneous and adventurous personality. Always looking for ways to improve themselves and make more self-discoveries, they have a hunger for new relationships and experiences. They are unafraid of change, which makes them very adaptable. Sagittarians often choose principles over emotions  and constantly question who they are. Because of this, Citrine is a good gemstone to help Sagittarians in their journey of self-discovery and realization.

Sol Stud Earrings



Chalcedony, a form of quartz with very small crystals, comes in multiple colors. Beliefs about the chalcedony family of gemstones include –

  • Aligns the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Builds strength and confidence.
  • Promotes spiritual awareness.
  • Represents passion, power, and determination.
  • It aids emotional balance – alleviating hostility, self-doubt, negative thoughts and emotions (and also minimizes nightmares).
  • It promotes feelings of kindness, generosity, empathy, and understanding.

Each color may emphasize some of the properties and benefits. The green color is recognized as the gemstone linked to ambition. It points to your goals – with one goal being, “remain open to the free exchange of love.”

Did you know?

When the green color is caused by nickel in green chalcedony, some call it chrysoprase.

ZODIAC: Taurus

Loyal, tenacious, and sensual, Tauruses seek routine and stability above all. They are romantic individuals who desire solid, long-term relationships. Tauruses tend to be materialistic and enjoy the finer things in life. Their perseverance and practical mindset often leads to success, but they are also known to be very stubborn. Despite their resistance to change, Tauruses are very dependable and make great friends. Green chalcedony is great gift for the Taurus in your life that wants to be more receptive to love.

ZODIAC: Gemini

Geminis are best described as inquisitive, versatile, and charismatic. They are very intelligent and perceptive – having a childlike curiosity of the world around them. Geminis are great communicators, social butterflies, and connect well with different kinds of people. Known for having two different personalities, they tend to present one version to the world while keeping the other one hidden. For any Geminis looking to have more ambition and drive in their lives, green chalcedony is the right pick. 

Etoile Earrings



The name Iolite comes from the Greek word “ios” – which means violet. Other beliefs include–

  • It helps the wearer sleep.
  • It unlocks creativity.
  • It’s a gemstone of vision, clarity, and insight.
Did you know?

Iolite’s amazing violet-to-blue color is due to the presence of iron in its make-up.

ZODIAC: Pisces

Pisceans are empathetic, romantic, and intuitive souls. Prone to fantasy, they seek transformative and creative experiences. Due to their compassionate nature, they are amazing friends to have and often put the needs of others over their own. They are flexible in switching behavior depending on who they’re around. Iolite can help the Piscean see clearly to find their path, connect with their emotions, or express themselves creatively.


Aries are known to be very daring, competitive, and fiery individuals. They constantly seek out adventures and have an enthusiasm of life with little to no fear. They can be quick to get angry, but then soon forget why they were angry in the first place. Due to their impatient nature, Aries love to take charge and work hard not to waste time. They are blunt with their words, and are always ready to prove themselves and their strength. With Aries being natural born leaders, iolite can assist in bringing their ambitions to life.

Sungoddess Ring



This jade-type gemstone symbolizes excellence and has been used in many cultures. The Chinese considered it the gemstone of royalty and a bridge between the spiritual and material realms. They used it for their tools, rituals, and jewelry. Some other beliefs include –

  • It has healing powers (especially kidney ailments).
  • It has protective powers.
  • It promotes good health, increases vitality, and brings good luck.
Did you know?

Jadeite is reportedly more rare, durable, and valuable than jade – and some call it “imperial jade.”

ZODIAC: Pisces

Pisceans are empathetic, romantic, and intuitive souls. Prone to fantasy, they seek transformative and creative experiences. Due to their compassionate nature, they are amazing friends to have and often put the needs of others over their own. They are flexible in switching behavior depending on who they’re around. Pisceans who are looking to dive deeper into their spirituality would benefit from wearing jadeite.


Aries are known to be very daring, competitive, and fiery individuals. They constantly seek out adventures and have an enthusiasm of life with little to no fear. They can be quick to get angry, but then soon forget why they were angry in the first place. Due to their impatient nature, Aries love to take charge and work hard not to waste time. They are blunt with their words, and are always ready to prove themselves and their strength. Since jadeite promotes good luck and stamina, this gemstone is a good match for Aries.

Prosperity Earrings



Though valued as a gemstone, labradorite is really a feldspar mineral. Some beliefs about the gemstone include –

  • It attracts wealth and brings pleasure.
  • It offers healing properties and great energy.
  • It boosts the immune system, eases pain, prevent respiratory problems.
  • It relieves stress and anxiety and promotes restful sleep.
Did you know?

Rainbow moonstone is transparent labradorite.

ZODIAC: Cancer

Known to be empathetic, sensitive, and homebodies, Cancers crave safety and comfort. Despite their layers, they are very soft at their core. Cancers value stable relationships, family, and domesticity – which makes them very resistant to sudden change. They are deeply emotional and can often be weighed down by both their and others’ sorrows. Nonetheless, they are nurturing and receptive towards the ones they care about. Because Cancers tend to carry so much emotional weight, labradorite can be the source of energy and positivity that they need.


Leos are bold, theatrical, and enthusiastic individuals who love to be recognized for their contributions and talents. Their creative and artistic nature makes it easy for them to stand out in a crowd and they crave being the center of attention. They are warm and loving souls – showing generosity to the ones they truly care about and deem worthy. Leos tend to hide their vulnerability under a mask of anger because they want to be perceived as unbreakable. Labradorite is the perfect match for Leos due to its energetic and radiant properties.

Saturn Octagon Labradorite Stone Necklace



Moonstone has been associated with both Roman and Greek lunar deities. Hindu mythology suggests it’s made of solidified moonbeams. Other beliefs include –

  • It’s linked to love, passion, and fertility.
  • It helps the wearer be more in tune with their emotions.
  • It brings good luck.
Did you know?

Like labradorite, moonstone is part of the feldspar family, and it’s known for a form of the play-of-color/special glow characteristic called adularescence.

ZODIAC: Gemini

Geminis are best described as inquisitive, versatile, and charismatic. They are very intelligent and perceptive – having a childlike curiosity of the world around them. Geminis are great communicators, social butterflies, and connect well with different kinds of people. Known for having two different personalities, they tend to present one version to the world while keeping the other one hidden. Because they can sometimes come off as detached, moonstone is a good crystal for Geminis that need help with their love life.

ZODIAC: Cancer

Known to be empathetic, sensitive, and homebodies, Cancers crave safety and comfort. Despite their layers, they are very soft at their core. Cancers value stable relationships, family, and domesticity – which makes them very resistant to sudden change. They are deeply emotional and can often be weighed down by both their and others’ sorrows. Nonetheless, they are nurturing and receptive towards the ones they care about. Moonstone can aid a Cancer in having more control over their emotions.

Ritual White Moonstone Bracelet


MONTH October

Writers over the years have been inspired to compare the “play of color” in the opal to fireworks, galaxies, and volcanoes. Some beliefs include –

  • It provides the gift of prophecy.
  • It protects the wearer from disease.
  • It’s a symbol of purity, hope, and truth.
  • It embodies the virtues and powers of all colored stones
Did you know?

Bedouins once believed opal held lightning and fell from the sky during thunderstorms.


Focused, charming, and social, Libras strive for fairness and balance in life. They are great communicators, which makes them equally great negotiators. Libras are adept at switching their personalities depending on the people they’re surrounded by. However, they are also known to be indecisive and tend to avoid conflict. Opal is expected to influence the lives of Libras in a positive way – helping them keep the balance they crave. And as they try to please everyone around them, the opal will help them keep their own interests front and center.

ZODIAC: Scorpio

Complex, passionate, and intense, Scorpios are enchanting and unyielding souls. They are deeply emotional and crave intimacy, which can result in them wallowing in their feelings. Scorpios are notorious for their sensuality, secretiveness, and subtleness. They are known to be relentless and seek to dominate their relationships, situations, and aspirations. Opal can be an effective stone in helping a Scorpio be more vulnerable with their love interests.

Le Ciel Multicolor Gemstone Hoops


MONTH August

The word “peridot” is from the Arabic word that means gem – “faridat.” As early as the second century BCE, peridot was worn by the priests and used by the churches. In 2005, it was found in comet dust brought back from the robotic space probe. Some beliefs about peridot include:

  • It has protective powers – shielding the wearer from evil spirits and nightmares.
  • It promotes love, happiness, and wealth.
  • It helps with improving memory.
Did you know?

Throughout history, peridot has been confused with other gems, like emerald. Some speculate that Cleopatra’s famous emerald collection contained peridot.


Leos are bold, theatrical, and enthusiastic individuals who love to be recognized for their contributions and talents. Their creative and artistic nature makes it easy for them to stand out in a crowd and they crave being the center of attention. They are warm and loving souls – showing generosity to the ones they truly care about and deem worthy. Leos tend to hide their vulnerability under a mask of anger because they want to be perceived as unbreakable. For the times where a Leo is having doubts about their purpose in life, wearing a peridot gemstone can provide the clarity that they need.


Virgos are known for their hardworking, practical, and perfectionistic nature. Highly intelligent, they are great problem-solvers and are natural-born organizers. Virgos are very analytical individuals – full of ideas and constantly thinking of ways to be more productive. They can become very critical if their plans don’t unfold in the way that they hoped. Virgos donning a peridot gem will only enhance their efficiency and “can-do” drive.

Mel Necklace


MONTH October

Chalcedony, a form of quartz with very small crystals, comes in multiple colors. Beliefs about the chalcedony family of gemstones include –

  • Aligns the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Builds strength and confidence.
  • Promotes spiritual awareness.
  • Represents passion, power, and determination.
  • It aids emotional balance – alleviating hostility, self-doubt, negative thoughts and emotions (and also minimizes nightmares).
  • It promotes feelings of kindness, generosity, empathy, and understanding.

Each color may emphasize some of the properties and benefits. The pink color is believed to increase self-esteem, self-love, and self-worth – and heighten curiosity.

Did you know?

Pink chalcedony and rose quartz look similar to each other – but the main difference is the source of their coloring. Titanium provides the pink coloring in rose quartz, and pink chalcedony is colored by other various elements.


Focused, charming, and social, Libras strive for fairness and balance in life. They are great communicators, which makes them equally great negotiators. Libras are adept at switching their personalities depending on the people they’re surrounded by. However, they are also known to be indecisive and tend to avoid conflict. Libras who seek to be more in tune with their own personal growth, love, and confidence should invest in pink chalcedony.

ZODIAC: Scorpio

Complex, passionate, and intense, Scorpios are enchanting and unyielding souls. They are deeply emotional and crave intimacy, which can result in them wallowing in their feelings. Scorpios are notorious for their sensuality, secretiveness, and subtleness. They are known to be relentless and seek to dominate their relationships, situations, and aspirations. For the Scorpios who want to calm their dominant nature around others, pink chalcedony can help.

La Mer Ring


MONTH October

Tourmaline is a mineral motherlode. It’s a supergroup with multiple groups, subgroups, and over 30 different species – and the list keeps growing with new discoveries. They basically have the same structure, but different chemical formulas. There are numerous single-color gemstones and multi-color gemstones.

Ancient mystics believed the tourmaline family of gemstones had healing properties and could inspire artistic expression. Because it wasn’t recognized as a distinct mineral species until the 1800’s, the various colors were mistaken for other gemstones.

Different colors are thought to have their own healing properties. The pink color is recognized to embody love (for self and others) and is associated with compassion and gentleness.

Did you know?

In the late 1800’s, Chinese Empress Dowager Tzu-His loved pink tourmaline so much – she bought most of the entire production from a California mine. Then she was placed on a pink tourmaline pillow at her funeral.


Focused, charming, and social, Libras strive for fairness and balance in life. They are great communicators, which makes them equally great negotiators. Libras are adept at switching their personalities depending on the people they’re surrounded by. However, they are also known to be indecisive and tend to avoid conflict. Since Libras are known to be great listeners and supportive friends, the compassionate and loving properties of pink tourmaline are a fitting gem for them.

ZODIAC: Scorpio

Complex, passionate, and intense, Scorpios are enchanting and unyielding souls. They are deeply emotional and crave intimacy, which can result in them wallowing in their feelings. Scorpios are notorious for their sensuality, secretiveness, and subtleness. They are known to be relentless and seek to dominate their relationships, situations, and aspirations. Pink tourmaline is a good choice for Scorpios who want to have deeper romantic relationships.

Uri Necklace


MONTH January

Ancient Romans and Assyrians were likely the first people to use rose quartz. Some of the beliefs about it include –

  • It has magical powers (used in talismans).
  • It can prevent aging.
  • It has healing powers (used in amulets).
  • It can balance emotions, heal anger and disappointment, and introduce love.
Did you know?

Rose quartz beads dating back to 7000 BC were found in the area once known as Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq).

ZODIAC: Capricorn

Driven, pragmatic, and reserved, Capricorns seek to establish a life with a solid foundation. They are hardworking individuals who would rather face the facts than making decisions based on emotions. Capricorns value long-term relationships and are known to have a good sense of humor. They are responsible and motivated by duty, which makes their desire for a stable domestic life no surprise. When Capricorns are being prudent and hesitating to get involved in a relationship, the rose quartz gemstone can help them nurture the energy of love and self-acceptance.

ZODIAC: Aquarius

Aquarians are intelligent, esoteric, social, and independent individuals. They are eager to gain knowledge on particular subjects and exploring new concepts. Although once they’ve established their core beliefs, they can become close-minded and unwavering. Aquarians thrive in large gatherings, but take pride in standing out and being different. Rose Quartz is a great gem for tapping into an Aquarians vulnerable side – providing more emotional balance and an open-mindedness on love.

Love Earrings

Hopefully, you connected with one or more gemstone options.

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Gemological Institute of America

International Gem Society

Geo Forward

American Gem Society

Co – Star Astrology

New York Post


Greenspark Public Impact Profile