Thank you for placing an order with Amorcito! Here are a few shipping and delivery reminders:

  • Amorcito ships orders on Monday through Friday, during normal business hours (excluding US national holidays).
  • Economy shipping is always FREE (within the US and minor outlying states).
  • Orders of $300 or more require a signature for delivery.
  • Shipping fees will be shown on your payment summary prior to checkout/payment.
  • Shipping fees are based on the subtotal before taxes/discounts, and they are non-refundable.
  • Standard shipping/delivery in the USA is 4-6 days, provided by USPS.
  • Next day shipping/delivery in the USA is provided by UPS Next Day Air Saver.
  • Your shipping tracking # will be provided in an update email and it can be found in your online account information.
  • If your item is backordered, we will notify you immediately.
  • Amorcito ships to addresses in the USA and internationally.
  • Orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, and US Territories may require additional delivery time.
  • Amorcito does not ship to Post Office boxes (P.O. boxes).
  • Orders shipped to APO/FPO addresses will be subject to military handling and delivery requirements.
  • Orders shipped to international addresses may be subject to additional custom duties and service fees (which vary by country). These are specified at checkout and confirmed in the purchase summary. Amorcito cannot reimburse duties and taxes paid at delivery. For information, please contact your local customs office.
Greenspark Public Impact Profile